The solo show by Makoto Aida consists of a huge painting “Monument for nothing III”(15×5,6 m) in Japanese manga style and a special project for the CAC Vilnius: an exact reconstruction of the bar in Shinjuku, which is owned by the artist himself. Both bars (in Vilnius and Tokyo) will be connected with live internet cameras, enabling visitors of the “bar” in Vilnius to see and (hopefully) communicate with visitors of the bar in Tokyo (and vice versa). While staying in Vilnius the artist is also going to shoot and exhibit a new film using his experimental puppet theatre experience.
Makoto Aida is a Japanese contemporary artist best known for his anti-establishment, “non-art” approach to art. His work often seeks to offend by combining the classical sense of Japanese culture with his particular view of popular culture. His art is designed to show two sides of Japan, both that which he despises and that which he fully embraces and lauds as a naturally born citizen. It is nearly impossible to anticipate where the artist will go next, because Aida has covered most of the artistic angles with an oeuvre that includes manga, painting, video, and installation, executed with such a wide range of expressive qualities that it is difficult to believe all could have been created by a single artist.
The exhibition is supported by:
EU-Japan Fest
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania