Saturday 8 February, 3pm at the CAC Reading Room
Danil Akimov (b. 1976, Kaliningrad) is a sound-artist, curator and DJ, who works in interdisciplinary fields of contemporary art, focusing on audio-visual installations and performances. Uses a variety of technologies and methods of interaction for the creation of sound structures ( broken hi-fi equipments, vintage analog synths, soft programs, fields racordings, unidentified sound devices). At the present moment, for his freetronic improvisations mostly use DIY(Do It Yourself!) electro-musical devices.
He is one of the founders of the Membrana/Membranoids sound-art group since 1997 http://www.membranoids.com. Since 2000 is a permanent member of the Kaliningrad semiСonductors community http://www.myspace.com/semiconduct, and also periodically appears in the following musical projects – Kratong, Pocket band, Polyvox orqestra, Mud-o-tronic. Since 2004 – curator of BB NCCA http://ncca.ru/. As a curator realized a number of series of international projects (SoundArtLab, Acoustic Diagnostic, Kaliningrad SoundArtCamp e.t.c.) focusing on sound art and experimental music.
Agharta www.arma.lt