Academic Training Group (Giedrius Kumetaitis, Mindaugas Ratavicius, Simonas Tarvydas), Aidas Bareikis, Augustinas Beinaravicius, Darius Gircys, Evaldas Jansas, Marius Kavaliauskas, Zilvinas Kempinas, Linas Liandsbergis, Giedre Liliene, Gintaras Makarevicius, Audrius Novickas, Egle Rakauskaite, Darius Ziura
Curators: Lolita Jablonskiene,
Audrius Novickas
‘The exhibition ‘After Painting’ is actually not a painting exhibition. The development of painting, its transformations, death and resurrections in modern art is not the major but rather a parallel theme. It is neither a negating nor asserting (pressing) but an analysing project. The exhibition presents not a separate branch of art (painting) and its modern or post-modern view but artistic images that thrive in various forms of contemporary art (installations, video, photobased art), the images after depiction, hence, first of all, after painting, the most illusory and fanciful artistic medium.’
Lolita Jablonskiene