Artists: Jurga Barilaite, Darius Bastys, Kostas Dereskevicius, Darius Gircys, Vytenis Jankunas, Giedrius Kumetaitis, Algimantas Jonas Kuras, Dainius Liskevicius, Deimantas Narkevicius, Snieguole Michelkeviciute, Gintaras Seputis, Gintautas Trimakas, etc.

Curator: Raminta Jurenaite

‘An artist`s critical relationship with the society, his vigilance towards even small signs of historical and everyday changes, the expression of existential everyday themes not only through a myth or an archetype – this is the theme of this exhibition which again draws attention to the “bread and salt” of life. Apart from the forms of abstract plastic expression, a critical, psychological and informative or even didactic figurative art finds its proper place here. The works are free of any stylistic, genre or material restrictions.

The public engagement does not mean the dominance of apocalyptic prophecy. For the East and Central Europeans, humor has always been the main means for the survival at one’s home; therefore, it is quite natural that here it serves as one of the means of analysis.’

Raminta Jurenaite