The catalogue of the Baltic Triennial 13 – GIVE UP THE GHOST is intended as a reader to accompany the exhibitions taking place in the three venues— Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Tallinn Art Hall and Kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga. Different in format, content and context, each of the chapters of the Triennial is informed by a shared concern, which is also the core of the publication: what does it mean to belong at a time of fractured identities?
Conceived as an extension of BT13’s ethos and vision, the book includes a range of curatorial and critical voices to provide highly individual reflections on each of the artists, poets and musicians taking part in the project.
Vincent Honoré with Cédric Fauq and Anya Harrison
Dina Akhmadeeva, Paulius Andriuškevičius, Canan Batur, Dita Birkenšteina, Neringa Bumblienė, Tamar Clarke-Brown, Seán Elder, Cédric Fauq, Anya Harrison, Ana Iwataki, Eliel Jones, Nilz Källgren, Raoul Klooker, Sofia Lemos, Erik Martinson, Taylor le Melle, Sten Ojavee, Carolina Ongaro, Rebeka Põldsam, Cory Scozzari, Thea Smith, Cristina Vasilescu
Graphic design:
Tadas Karpavičius
Publishers: Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, and CURA.BOOKS, Rome, 2018
ISBN 978-9986-957-77-5
ISBN 978-88-99776-13-8
Language: English
176 pages, colour illustrations