15th Baltic Triennial “Same Day” events in the opening program are free of charge, and visiting the exhibition is free of charge throughout Friday to Saturday.

Darius Žiūra. SWIM

Published in two separate Lithuanian and English editions on the occasion of the exhibition ‘SWIM’ by Darius Žiūra, the publication contains fragments of Darius Žiūra’s photography series Faces (since 2008), Figures (since 2008), and Forbidden Fruits (since 2010).


Anders Kreuger, Virginija Januškevičiūtė

Anders Kreuger, Darius Žiūra

Darius Žiūra

Graphic design:
Jurgis Griškevičius

Publisher: Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, 2014
ISBN 978-9986-957-58-4
Language: English
68 pages, colour illustrations