Meet Spotted Raphael, a tweeting fish
Virginija Januškevičiūtė
Auridas Gajauskas in conversation with Elena Narbutaitė about writing, limits and infinity
Approaching the future without losing sight of the past
Övül Durmusoglu interviews 13th Istanbul Biennial curator Fulya Erdemci
In-between interiority and exteriority
Kristupas Sabolius and Nerijus Milerius talk about imagination, representation and montage
To take an idea for a walk (An essay film can go anywhere, and should)
Ilona Jurkonytė interviews filmmaker Mark Cousins
Inviting imagination to be
Asta Vaičiulytė interviews writer and curator Sofie Van Loo
On frijoles saltarines, Kierkegaard’s father, and being Charlie’s Angels
Audrius Pocius, Jennifer Teets, Juan de Nieves and Justina Zubaitė: a conversation
Book review
On education and creative resistance: lessons from Artūras Raila’s textbook Anti-Sport
Linara Dovydaitytė
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