Reminiscences of reverberations
A selection of fragments from a conversation with Darius Mikšys
‘Yes, I paint – here, a still wet, unfinished piece (he points with his finger at a painting hung nearby which depicts a flying rolling green cube against a blue background). This is just the beginning, the cube will become a square.’
On cooties and artists
A Lithuanian Garden
Interview with Algis Griškevičius
The DJ and long exposure
Conversation with Algis Lankelis about the everyday, politics, and art worth supporting
Conversation with Kęstutis Lupeikis about the black cube
Cubes and corrections
12. Conversation with Deimantas Narkevičius about the modernist conflict between the individual and the environment and his new film Restricted Sensation
Conversation with Arvydas Žalpys
Project for a conversation space
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