February 20, Thursday, 6 pm CAC Reading Room
Cecilia Guida, through a selection of curatorial projects and artworks taken as case studies, will reflect on forms of exchange and collaboration between arts’ languages and educational institutions. She will do so by starting from the concept of education in its literal sense of “digging something out” (ex-ducere), rather than its common meaning of “leading” (ducere).
Cecilia Guida (1978) is Art Writer, Curator, Professor of Contemporary Art History at Albertina Fine Arts Academy of Turin, based in Milan (IT).
She is PhD in Communication and New Technologies of Art, specialising in relations among participatory art practices, radical pedagogy and contemporary public space.
Also, she holds a MA in Curating from La Sapienza University of Rome (2005).
Currently, she is responsible for “ArtLine Milano” Public Program (www.artlinemilano.com), Milan (2018- ).
The event is a part of the educational programme for the exhibition'”Head With Many Thoughts”. Event will be held in English.