“JCDecaux Award 2021: Spaces” exhibition tours with curators
Contemporary Art Centre invite you to free “JCDecaux Award 2021: Spaces” exhibition tours with curators Vytenis Burokas and Milda Dainovskyte. “JCDecaux Prize 2021: Spaces” presents new artworks selected through a competition by Deividas Vytautas Aukščiūnas, Maarten Brijker, Eglė Razumaitė, Ieva Kotryna Ski, Naglis Kristijonas Zakaras.
The “JCDecaux Award” is an annual exhibition series established by CAC and JCDecaux in 2016, aiming to promote the works of young Lithuanian artists, their dissemination in Lithuania and abroad, and public interest in contemporary art. The one-time prize of 4000 euros established by JCDecaux is awarded to one artist or a team participating in the exhibition for their originality and relevance of the presented work and its artistic expression.
October 7th (Thursday) 18:00 | the tour will lead a curator Milda Dainovskytė in Lithuanian
October 21st (Thursday) 18:00 | the tour will lead a curator Milda Dainovskytė in Lithuanian
October 28th (Thursday) 18:00 | the tour will lead a curator Vytenis Burokas in Lithuanian
October 30th (Saturday) 14:00 | the tour in ENGLISH will lead CAC educator Ernesta Šimkutė
The exhibition at the Composers’ House will run until October 31st.
If you want to book private excursions, please get in touch via email.