‘There are days of compliance and days of rebellion and there are days of truce. Most days culminate in a draw or a defeat. More rarely in a victory. Each day is its own wondrous struggle.’ write curators Tom Engels and Maya Tounta in the guide to the 15th Baltic Triennial Same Day.
The Contemporary Art Centre invites you to explore the exhibition by joining guided tours in Lithuanian and English. During the tours, the guides will provide deeper insights into the main ideas of the exhibition and introduce the works of selected artists.
The Baltic Triennial was first held in Vilnius in 1979 as an exhibition of young Baltic artists working in a non-conformist spirit. Since then it has steadily grown to become a major international exhibition in Northern Europe. The curators of the 15th Baltic Triennial, Tom Engels and Maya Tounta, have selected works by more than 50 artists from various countries, spanning the 1960s to the present day. The exhibition’s title, Same Day, is borrowed from the eponymous poem by the Greek poet Emerson, written in 1984 in New York.
Guided Tour Dates for December:
- Thursday 5 at 18:00, in Lithuanian, with tour guide Marija Martinaitytė
- Sunday 8 at 16:00 in English, with tour guide Vincentas Zienka
- Saturday 14 at 17:00 in Lithuanian, with tour guide Marija Martinaitytė
- Tuesday 17 at 18:00 in Lithuanian, with tour guide Agnė Taliūtė
- Saturday 21 at 17:00 in English, with tour guide Vincentas Zienka
- Duration of the tour: 60 min.
- Number of participants: up to 20 people
- Free with the purchase of an exhibition ticket
- Pre-registration is required: REGISTRATION
For private tours, please contact [email protected].
Please note that photography and/or filming may occur during the tours, and you may appear in photos or videos of the event. These images and videos may be shared on social media or other platforms.