Exhibition opening: Friday, 19 June, 18:00
The exhibition of Köln artist duo //////////fur//// (Volker Morawe and Tilman Reiff) presents nine selected works that in various ways invite interaction.
A computer game that punishes mistakes with real pain. The world’s smallest social network. Balls activated – as if by some ghostly hand – via singing. Volker Morawe and Tilman Reiff’s multisensory artifacts form a counter-proposition to the massively advancing isolation of electronic input-output device users.
The artist duo //////////fur//// prefers to make art physically tangible – and that, on the far side of the viewer’s comfort zone. Mere observation will not suffice to comprehend the exhibition fully. Only visitors, who are able to summon up enough courage will be able to reach a certain built-in humor. Only for them interfaces appearing familiar at first glance will behave completely differently than expected.
Organizers: Goethe-Institut in Vilnius and the CAC