Talks with the project „Architecture take Away“ participants
Young architects talks on their experience of the half a year residences in different Europe based anchitectural offices – from the big names as Dominique Perraut in Paris famous for his National Library realisation, to experimental platforms such as Copenhagen based MAP architect with a focus on extreme environments, young Berlin based architectural practice Studio Schwitalla putting science and architecture on a same self, as well as exhibition architecture and curatorial Brusels based Rotor collective. In between those – practices from Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, London, Switzerland, UK, Belgium – all running inovative and leading architectural practices.
May 29d. 19:00 |
Gabrielė Ubarevičiūtė (COBE, Kopenhaga, DK)
Dominykas Daunys (Studio Schwitalla, Berlynas, DE)
Tomas Milkamanavičius (SLETH, Arhusas, DK)
Karolina Čiplytė (MAP Architects, Kopenhaga, DK)
Milda Kulvičiūtė (SeARCH, Amsterdamas, NL)
Evelina Vasiliauskaitė (Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madridas, ES)
June 2 19:00
Petras Išora (AI Design Studio, Londonas, UK)
Kristina Barniškytė (SHSH Architecture+Scenography, Briuselis, BE)
Kostas Biliūnas ( DF+Partners, Luganas, CH)
Ona Lozuraitytė (Rotor, Briuselis, BE)
Laura Bagdonaitė (Dominique Perrault Architecture, Paryžius, FR)
Talks are organised by Architecture [news] fund together with VDA SA, ASK, and Kultfliuksas.
Event will be filmed and could be found after in Architecture [news] fund platform.
Mobility project „Architecture take Away“ No. LLP-LdV-PLM-2013-LT-0955 is executed with the support of the European Union under the Lifelong Learning Programme of Republik o Lithuania, managed by the Educational Exchanges Support Foundation.