Curator: Kestutis Kuizinas
Hendrik Jan Hunneman,
Lucas Lenglet,
Gabriel Lester,
Joep van Lieshout,
Job Kolewijn,
Maria Pask,
Jennifer Tee,
Dre Wapenaar,
Edwin Zwakman
‘Olandu biuras’ is an exhibition exploring the culture of corporate cooperation. A particular kind of corporate advising – promoted by international consulting firms – has played a major role in the markets of the new member states during the last decade. The participating Dutch artists create a temporary office (‘biuras‘) at the Contemporary Art Center to give advice on the working practices and policies of CAC at the critical moment of Lithuania joining the EU, exploring issues such as teamwork and individual creativity, and local needs and global perspectives. The exhibition presents the proposals, works, and collaborations which have been developed by the artists during a research/work period in Vilnius.
Opening: November 19th at 6 pm.
Artists talks: November 16th and 17th at 4 pm.
Lucas Lenglet. Molotov cocktail in pergola
Maria Pask. Michael Jackson’s Beat It
Atelier van Lieshout. Internal organs:
gullet (520x200x100 cm), kidney/bladder (470x220x85 cm),
rectum (160x170x60), penis extra large (350x175x205 cm)
Hendrik-Jan Hunneman. Touch My Cheek Before You Leave
Job Koelewijn. Mondial Germ Poem
Jennifer Tee. ‘What Men Knew Nothing About’
Dre Wapenaar. Coffee ceremonies
Edwin Zwakman. UN trolleybus line
Gabriel Lester. Cola Yogurt
Kestutis Kuizinas. Exhibition curator
Who if not we…?, episode 6: Olandu biuras
Part of a series of projects on (ex)changing Europe
Olandu biuras is part of the visual art programme Who if not we…? of Thinking Forward, the cultural programme for the Dutch presidency of the European Union in 2004. Thinking Forward consists of a variety of activities in the Netherlands as well as in the ten new member states of the EU. The programme is an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and is comissioned by the Fund for Amateur Art and Performing Arts and the Mondriaan Foundation.
Who if not we…? consists of seven new exhibitions and a number of additional projects throughout Europe. The main motivation of this programme is to discuss how art can participate in current social and political change.