Linara Dovydaitytė: Getting it wrong?
Simon Rees: Double-time
Focus: Aaron Schuster talks with Sophie Fiennes about perverting Žižek
Report: Mika Hannula laughs along with ARS06
Home: Valdas Ozarinskas, Architect in da house
Away (1): Elona Lubytė and Mindaugas Navakas ‘face the strain’ in Riga
Away (2): Paulina Eglė Pukytė’s tales from a London bus
Say What?: Elvis never left the CAC TV studio
Postscript: e-journal Balsas turns a year old
Kasparas Pocius about Slavoj Žižek’s Everything You Wanted to Know about Žižek, but Did Not Dare to Ask Lacan
Grzegorz Sowula about Piotr Piotrowski’s Awangarda w cieniu Jałty. Sztuka w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w latach 1945-1989
Nida Vasiliauskaitė about Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition
Artists’ project: Karl Larsson and Andreas Mangione
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