Catalogue of the ‘Random Rapid Heartbeats’, the Contemporary Art Centre Vilnius’ exhibition at the Tallinn Art Hall featuring selected projects from the CAC’s programme from 2013-2015. The exhibition title describes the physical dynamic between two similar institutions, both of whom focus on organising temporary exhibitions, continually seeking to reconsider themselves and remain open to the vitality of creative ideas. Each project raises new questions and challenges for the institution as a whole, for every member of CAC’s different creative and administrative departments involved in the programming. In this way, it merges individual pulses into one general pulse that is sometimes strong and rhythmic and at other times soft and arrhythmic. The exhibition highlights the shows produced by the CAC which have changed the institution itself. Like a living archive, the shows have travelled to Tallinn in a different form, adapting to the new exhibition space. The exhibition catalogue includes press reviews of the presented projects as well as texts by the CAC curators.
Edgaras Gerasimovičius, Justina Zubaitė
Inesa Pavlovskaitė (Brašiškė), Neringa Bumblienė, Neringa Černiauskaitė, Jurga Daubaraitė, Jacquelyn Davis, Edgaras Gerasimovičius, Eglė Juocevičiūtė, Kęstutis Kuizinas, Timothy Morton, Ūla Tornau, Asta Vaičiulytė
Graphic design:
Jurgis Griškevičius
Publisher: Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, 2016
ISBN 978-9986-957-69-0
Language: English
88 pages, colour illustrations