We are currently changing the exhibitions. In the meantime, we invite you to visit the hospitality area located in the first-floor lobby. Operating hours are as follows: II, III, IV, V 12:00–20:00, VI 11:00–15:00, I, VII CLOSED


Compensating Transient Pleasurable Excitations

Artist’s book by Koenraad Dedobbeleer, compiled as a catalogue of an imaginative exhibition. Its initial spark originated in the framework of an exhibition held at Cultuurcentrum Mechelen in 2013 (“Up Close & Personal”). The premises of the Cultuurcentrum’s classical, museum styled exhibition halls, serve as a container for Dedobbeleer’s envisioned exhibition. Published in conjunction with the exhibitions “The Desperate, Furiously Positive Striving of People Who Refuse to Be Dismissed” at Extra City, Antwerp (5.04-25.05.2014) and “A Quarrel in a Faraway Country Between People of Whom We Know Nothing” at GAK, Bremen (01.11.2014-25.01.2015).