Tickets and information

Photograph by Gintautas Trimakas



Regular ticket – 8 Eur
Ticket with concession* – 4 Eur
Family ticket** – 15 Eur
Ticket with the “Vilnius Pass” card*** – 5 Eur
Joint CAC and Sapieha Palace ticket**** – 15 Eur

Free admission: The Contemporary Art Centre offers free entry to its exhibitions and film screenings for preschool children, orphans, and children deprived of parental care, persons with disabilities and their accompanying individuals (one per person), persons aged 80 years and over, employees of museums of the Republic of Lithuania, members of various art associations and councils such as Lithuanian Artists’ Union, International Association of Art Critics (AICA), International Council of Museums (ICOM), International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art (CIMAM), International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art (IKT), International Biennial Association (IBA), Lithuanian Art Gallerists’ Association (LAMGA), employees of art galleries, pupils of art schools of the Republic of Lithuania, students of colleges of art and design or the Vilnius Academy of Arts, guides, teachers accompanying groups of pupils of at least 5 persons or accompanying children to educational activities, and persons accompanying groups of 11 persons or more.

* The discount applies to all visitors of the Contemporary Art Centre every Wednesday. A daily discount is also available for seniors up to 80 years of age, students, schoolchildren, soldiers, volunteers of compulsory military service, victims of the 1939-1990 occupations, defenders of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania, participants in the resistance to the occupation of 1940-1990, teachers, journalists, and persons accompanying groups of up to 10 individuals.

** The family ticket allows entry for up to 2 adults and 4 children (under 18) to visit the Contemporary Art Centre together.

*** More information about Vilnius Pass here.

**** Valid for 5 days.


OPENING HOURS of the Contemporary Art Centre

II, III, IV, V 12:00–20:00
VI 11:00–19:00
VII 11:00–18:00

The Contemporary Art Centre will also be open on select public holidays: 16 February, 11 March, 1 May, 24 June, and 6 July, from 12:00-20:00. The Centre will be closed on all other public holidays.



Contemporary Art Centre
Vokiečių st. 2
LT-01130 Vilnius

Sapieha Palace
L. Sapiegos g. 13
LT-10312 Vilnius