The Ministry of Culture of Lithuania in partnership with the Contemporary Art Centre invites artists and artists’ groups to participate in a creative workshop to develop ideas for the Memorial of Lukiškės Square, dedicated to the memory of Lithuania’s freedom fighters.
Lukiškės Square is being redeveloped to become the main representative square of the state of Lithuanian with memorials dedicated to Lithuania’s freedom fighters. The criteria for proposals is as follows:
1. The memorial must be devoted to perpetuating and honouring the memory of Lithuania’s freedom fighters.
2. The memorial must take into account the space and scale of the reconstruction project, currently being implemented in Lukiškės Square.
3. The proposal must be practically viable and its final budget should not exceed 500 000 euros, including artist fees, construction and production costs. The completion date of the project is 1December 2018.
In July an expert jury panel, established by the organisers of the creative workshop, will select five ideas from the proposals received and the organisers will allocate funds towards the further development of these ideas, additional research and preparation of projects for the memorial. The workshop will enable the selected artists to consult and work in partnership with specialists and groups of interest, including various institutions, communities, architects, specialists of state protocol, historians, art critics and others whose expertise is relevant to the specifics of each project proposal. If required, specialists from the Contemporary Art Centre are also available to assist in the development of the projects, additional research and the presentation of ideas. In autumn 2017 the five shortlisted projects will be presented to the public and the expert panel at the Contemporary Art Centre. After consultations with the public, the panel will select one project to be implemented.
Artists or artists’ groups, who wish to participate in the selection for the creative workshop, are asked to present the following materials by 20 July 2017:
1. A sketch and description of the idea for the memorial (up to 4 printed A4 pages or PDF file pages).
2. A biography (up to 3 printed A4 pages or PDF file pages).
3. Documentation of no more than three previous creative projects (up to 4 printed A4 pages or PDF file pages).
4. Contact information (telephone, email, and postal address).
Please send your ideas by email to [email protected] or by post to:
Lukiškių aikštės memorialo kūrybinės dirbtuvės
Šiuolaikinio meno centras
Vokiečių g. 2
LT-01130 Vilnius
All applicants will receive notification by email about the received proposals.
More information: [email protected]
The jury panel is comprised of the following members:
Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė – art historian and Chief Curator of the National Gallery of Art;
Dr. Alfredas Bumblauskas – historian, Head of the Department of Theory of History and Cultural History at Vilnius University, and winner of the Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Arts;
Virginija Januškevičiūtė – Curator at the Contemporary Art Centre;
Dr. Giedrė Mickūnaitė – art historian;
Deimantas Narkevičius – sculpture and film artist and winner of the Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Arts;
Mindaugas Pakalnis – urbanist and Director of the Department of City Development at Vilnius City Municipality;
Dr. Ūla Tornau – Curator at the Contemporary Art Centre and historian of architecture.
Where required, the panel will invite specialists of protocol, heraldry, historical memory and other spheres to advise and participate in the panel’s work.
Reconstruction plans (No. 1 and No. 2) and visualisations (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of Lukiškės Square.