On art and print: the bibliophile’s approach
Linara Dovydaitytė
Shelf life: a new environment for reading at the CAC
Ūla Tornau talks to Anouk Vogel, Johan Selbing and Bart Guldemond
Ekphrasis: the art of words
Joseph R. Wolin writes to AA Bronson
Surviving and loving it
Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez talks with castillo/corrales
Breaking the rules: the printed face of the European avant-garde 1900-1937
Peter Hellyer
Journals at the centre of the earth
Nikos Papastergiadis
Clarion call – the gilded age of graphic arts in inter-war Lithuania
Linara Dovydaitytė talks to Giedrė Jankevičiūtė
Book review
A Book as Group Therapy
Viktoras Bachmetjevas on ‘Voices of Media Culture’
Artist’s project
Linas Jablonskis
To read this issue online, please click INTERVIU-2009-13-14-PL