The Department of Activism and Mimesis Mai Abu ElDahab
Was My Life Worth Living? Emma Goldman
What I Believe Emma Goldman
Chicken-Penguin Jungle Francis McKee
Foggy Political Landscapes and Creativity in Struggles Nataša Petrešin interviews Claire Fontaine
Say What?
Answer is Never the Same Raimundas Malašauskas questions Ryan Gander
Perseverance Furthers Larissa Harris talks to John Malpede
The World in a Glance, Then. Very Satisfying, I Suppose. David Reinfurt interviews Mark Wigley
Who Killed Rock ‘n’ Roll When Rock ‘n’ Roll Never Lived? Ian Svenonius & Psycho-Geo-Tics Brian Kuan Wood
Is Anything Left? On the Occasion of the Lithuanian translation of Che Guevara’s Bolivian Diary Viktoras Bachmetjevas
“Abandon the Dialectics, My Son.” Hassan Khan on Documenta Magazine No. 1
Special: Flying High Cristina Ricupero in conversation with Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas
Post-script: Francis McKee Selected Writings (1996-2007), Supplement
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