Why are some ideas coherent and nice to think about, but useless when you want to get something done, while other ideas are contradictory and always out of context, but full of energy?
If on the one hand we have knowledge and society, then what’s on the other one?
Why do absolutely different people, academics and housewives, put their heads into exactly the same hole in a picture with palm trees?
HERE is a recent conversation with Antanas Gerlikas. In it he says something about art being a really good way to produce proof of things that you want to exist. This sounds like a really vague idea, like it could mean anything (which it probably could), but it stuck with us. There’s something basic about it, something that generally works; you come up with an example or a model, then you see how it affects the world around you, and then you modify the example accordingly. After a while of going back and forth some effects and some sensations that go with them become sort of stable. You end up with an instrument, or a sensory device, or an art work.
Antanas seems to have ended up with all three. His works will be exhibited at the kitchen of the CAC guesthouse on the weekends from the 15th to the 30th of March 2014, from 12 to 20 h.
Either Augustas Serapinas or someone else will meet you at the CAC ticket desk and show you the way to the kitchen.
The kitchen itself is worth seeing. It was painted in make-up color by Laura Kaminskaitė, illuminated and curved by David Bernstein and Sophia Holst; Viktorija Rybakova made a cabinet reminiscent of a tabernacle or a church, and Alisa Ozerkina dressed up a kitchen set in granite and leather.
Agata Erlacher will animate the kitchen for several dinners.
And last but not least, Paul Elliman will talk Detroit, letters and birds this Sunday, 18:30 h at the CAC Cinema. The event is generously supported by the British Council.
The XII Baltic Triennial will continue until the end of 2015.