15-osios Baltijos trienalės „Ta pati diena“ atidarymo programos renginiai nemokami, taip pat penktadienį ir šeštadienį galima nemokamai aplankyti parodą.


The Truth in Painting

“The four essays in this volume constitute Derrida’s most explicit and sustained reflection on the art work as pictorial artifact, a reflection partly by way of philosophical aesthetics (Kant, Heidegger), partly by way of a commentary on art works and art scholarship (Van Gogh, Adami, Titus-Carmel). The illustrations are excellent, and the translators, who clearly see their work as both a rendering and a transformation, add yet another dimension to this richly layered composition. Indispensable to collections emphasizing art criticism and aesthetics.”—Alexander Gelley, Library Journal