Meno kritikos apdovanojimai pretendentų laukia iki kovo 2 dienos. Pasiūlymus galima teikti užpildant anketą arba siunčiant juos el. paštu [email protected].


“The Lunatics are on the loose…” European Fluxus Festivals 1962-1977

Extensive documentation of 32 selected European Fluxus events in Aachen, Aberystwyth, Amsterdam, Berlin, Budapest, Copenhagen, Düsseldorf, London, Madrid, Nizza, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Poznan, Rotterdam, Scheveningen, Stockholm, Vilnius, Wiesbaden, Wuppertal. The exhibition and publication aim to present a new perspective on the radical art actions of Fluxus. A multimedia exhibition installation documents the Fluxus events of the 1960s and 70s and offers active encounters with art actions, artists and eyewitnesses.