Mylime gyvūnus, bet 15-osios Baltijos trienalės parodą „Ta pati diena“ paprašysime lankyti be jų. Nebent jūsų gyvūnas yra specialių poreikių asmens palydovas.


A Fiesta of Tough Choices: Contemporary Art in the Wake of Cultural Policies

A Fiesta of Tough Choices is published in collaboration with the international studio program in Sweden (IASPIS).
The publication expands on the festival-inspired exhibition and two seminars held at IASPIS, on the occation of the Swedish government’s declaration of 2006:Year of Cultura Diversity. The publication not only documents, but takes the discussion from this seminar a step further with new texts and art projects.Multiculturalism is a little too easy to dismiss. In political terms for the Right, it poses a threat to traditions and antinational identity. For the Left, it often means food festivals, postmarxist culturalism or reactionary community spokesmen As with discussions of globalization, perhaps the crux of the problem lies in the tools at our disposal. The critica terminology is akward or embarrassing at best, dangerous at worse. At the very least, a more exact language might help define the terms of engagement more precisely. Following the Swedish government’s declaration of 2006: Year of Cultural Diversity, we looked to artists and theorists with a capacity for reassessing standard cultural terminologies and revisiting their critical potential.

Contributors: Maria Lind, Tirdad Zolghard, Peter Geschwind, Edda Manga, Kate Rich, Timothy Brennan, Loulou Cherinet, Hito Steyler, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Jonathan Harris, Måns Wrange.