Mylime gyvūnus, bet 15-osios Baltijos trienalės parodą „Ta pati diena“ paprašysime lankyti be jų. Nebent jūsų gyvūnas yra specialių poreikių asmens palydovas.


Changing Society: Lithuania

The central theme of Changing Society: Lithuania is the state of transition in a Post-Soviet state, which has achieved political stability but is still looking for appropriate images to portray itself in the domestic spheres of politics and society. It appears that a country’s cinematographic and artistic film production often fulfils a seismographic function when it comes to depicting the effects of radical historical change.

Published on the occasion of the Lithuanian Cultural Program at the Frankfurt Bookfair in 2002, the texts and interviews in this book document how the complex and contradictory constructions of cultural identity may not only be discussed in the social, political, and economic context, but also in aesthetic practice.

Contributors: Tobias Berger, Anders Kreuger, Artūras Tereškinas, Birutė Pankunaitė