Mylime gyvūnus, bet 15-osios Baltijos trienalės parodą „Ta pati diena“ paprašysime lankyti be jų. Nebent jūsų gyvūnas yra specialių poreikių asmens palydovas.


Rehearsing Hospitalities. Companion 1

Rehearsing Hospitalities connects artists, curators and other practitioners in the field of contemporary art and beyond, to build up and mediate new practices, understandings and engagements with diverse hospitalities. It fosters critical discourse, pluralistic sharing and collaboration between divergent (artistic) practitioners in contemporary societies and supports the emergence of new paradigms and methods of political and cultural hospitality.

It asks: upon what kind of power structures of knowledge and knowing are contemporary art and artistic institutions dependent? Do practitioners in the art field reproduce oppressive Western epistemic paradigms through artistic practices and institutional structures, and if so, is there space for emancipatory ways of knowing? What are the ways that intersectional subjectivities open up new epistemic processes within the artistic field?

Including a deep range of references, contributions and collaborative dialogues, the editors offer a collective assemblage as a plurality of epistemologies, making the knowledges gathered accessible.